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1928 Skinner, Chicago

Artikelnummer: 3.17.049-1 Kategorien: , Schlagwörter: , Brand:

Lieferzeit: sofort lieferbar

Orgelbauer: E.M. Skinner
Baujahr: 1928
Stil: Symphonisch
Klaviaturen: 3 Manuale + Pedal
Registerstimmen: 58

ab 260,00 

Orgelbauer: E.M. Skinner
Baujahr: 1928
Stil: Symphonisch
Klaviaturen: 3 Manuale + Pedal
Registerstimmen: 58
Land: USA
Ort: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Chicago IL

Benötigte Hauptwerk-Software: Version V
Benötigter RAM-Speicher Version Wet : 2,31 GB

Sample-Hersteller: MilanDigitalAudio




Double Diapason 16'
First Diapason 8'
Second Diapason 8'
Harmonic Flute 8'
Octave 4'
Flute 4'
Twelfth 2 2/3'
Fifteenth 2'
Harmonics III
Tromba 8'
Clarion 4'
Trompette en Chamade 8'
Great-Choir Chimes

Gamba 16'
Concert Flute 8'
Gamba 8'
Gamba Celeste 8'
Dulciana 8'
Flute 4'
Gambette 4'
Nazard 2 2/3'
Clarinet 8'
Orchestral Oboe 8'
French Horn 8'
Tuba Mirabalis 8'
Diapason 8'
Rohrflute 8'
Flauto Dolce 8'
Flute Celeste 8'
Salicional 8'
Voix Celeste 8'
Octave 4'
Flute (triangular) 4'
Flautino 2'
Mixture V
Waldhorn 16'
Trumpet 8'
Clarion 4'
Oboe dAmore 8'
Vox Humana 8'



Open Diapason 16'
Diapason (Great) 16'
Contra Bass 16'
Bourdon 16'
Gamba (Choir) 16'
Octave 8'
Gedeckt 8'
Cello (Choir) 8'
Super Octave 4'
Trombone 16'
Tromba 8'
Untersatz 32'
Bombarde 32'
Swell to Pedal 8'
Great to Pedal 8'
Choir to Pedal 8'
Swell to Pedal 4'
Great to Pedal 4'
Choir to Pedal 4'
Swell to Great 8'
Choir to Great 8'
Swell to Choir 8'
Swell Unison Off
Swell 16'
Swell 4'
Swell to Great 16'
Swell to Great 4'
Swell to Choir 16'
Swell to Choir 4'
Choir Unison Off
Choir 16'
Choir 4'
Choir to Great 16'
Choir to Great 4'
Great Unison Off
Great 16'
Great 4'
MIDI Out Pedal
MIDI Out Swell
MIDI Out Great
MIDI Out Choir
Bass Coupler Swell
Bass Coupler Great
Bass Coupler Choir

Orgelstimmung: A=440 Equal

Manualumfang: 61 Töne
Pedalumfang: 32-tönig


Hauptwerk-Version: V


geladene Version


Sampleset Wet 24 Bit 4,34 GB
Sampleset Wet 20 Bit 4,03 GB
Sampleset Wet 16 Bit 2,31 GB
Sampleset Dry 20 Bit 3,62 GB
Sampleset Dry 16 Bit 2,86 GB

Klangbeispiel: Widor - Symphonie Romance Cantilène

Klangbeispiel: Bach-Barnes - Bist du bei Mir

Klangbeispiel: Vogt - Siciliano

Klangbeispiel: Couperin - Cromorne sur la Taille

Klangbeispiel: Guilmant - Invocation


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