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MasterWorks 3-31 WurliTzer

Artikelnummer: 3.17.051-1 Kategorien: , Schlagwörter: , Brand:

Lieferzeit: sofort lieferbar

Orgelbauer: MasterWorks 3-31 WurliTzer
Stil: Theaterorgel
Klaviaturen: 3 Manuale + Pedal
Registerstimmen: 256

ab 336,00 

Orgelbauer: MasterWorks 3-31 WurliTzer
Stil: Theaterorgel
Klaviaturen: 3 Manuale + Pedal
Registerstimmen: 256
Land: USA
Ort: divers

Benötigte Hauptwerk-Software: Version V
Benötigter RAM-Speicher: 2,60 GB

Sample-Hersteller: MilanDigitalAudio



2nd Touch

Diaphone 32'
Contra Tibia 32'
16' Double English Horn
Ophicleide 16'
Diaphone 16'
Diaphonic Horn 16'
Tibia Clausa 16' (S)
Tibia Clausa 16' (M)
Clarinet 16'
Bass Strings 16' (2 rks)
Contra Gambas 16' (2 rks)
Contra Salicionals 16' (2 rks)
Oboe Horn 16'
Bourdon 16'
English Post Horn 8'
Trumpet 8'
Tuba Horn 8'
Open Diapason 8'
Horn Diapason 8'
Tibia Clausa (S) 8'
Tibia Clausa (M) 8'
Pedal Tibia Clausa 8'
Pedal Tibia Clausa PIZZ 8'
Clarinet 8'
Solo String 8' (2 rks)
Gamba 8' (2 rks)
Viol d'Orchestre 8' (2 rks)
Salicional 8' (2 rks)
Oboe Horn 8'
Concert Flute 8'
Piano 16'
Piano 8'
Bass Drum
Kettle Drum
Crash Cymbal
Tap Cymbal
ACC Accomp to Pedal
GREAT Great to Pedal
SOLO Solo to Pedal PIZZ
English Post Horn 8'
Trumpet 8'
Tuba Horn 8'
Trumpet 8' (Style D)
Open Diapason 8'
Horn Diapason 8'
Tibia Clausa 8' (S)
Tibia Clausa 8' (M)
Clarinet 8'
Saxophone 8'
Solo String 8' (2 rks)
Gamba 8' (2 rks)
Viol d'Orchestre 8' (2 rks)
Salicional 8' (2 rks)
French Horn 8'
Oboe Horn 8'
Quintadena 8'
Concert Flute 8'
Dulciana 8' (2 rks)
Vox Humana 8' (S)
Vox Humana 8' (M)
Octave 4'
Octave Horn 4'
Piccolo 4' (Tibia S)
Piccolo 4' (Tibia M)
Solo String 4' (2 rks)
Gamba 4' (2 rks)
Viol d'Orchestre 4' (2 rks)
Salicional 4' (2 rks)
Concert Flute 4'
Harmonic Flute 4'
Dulciana 4' (2 rks)
Vox Humana 4' (S)
Vox Humana 4' (M)
Twelfth 2 2/3'
Piccolo 2'
Snare Drum
Wood Block
Tap Cymbal
Piano 8'
Sub Harp
Sub Chrysoglott
ACC Accomp Octave
English Post Horn 8'
Trumpet 8'
Tuba Horn 8'
Trumpet 8' (Style D)
Open Diapason 8'
Tibia Clausa 8' (S)
Tibia Clausa 8' (M)
Clarinet 8'
French Horn 8'
Piccolo 4'
Piccolo 4'
Piano 8'
Sub Harp
Glockenspiel Oct
Perc to 2nd
Traps to 2nd
SOLO Solo to Accomp
SOLO Solo to Accomp PIZZ
GREAT Great Oct to Accomp


2nd Touch


English Post Horn
Trumpet 16' (Ten C)
Tuba Horn 16'
Trumpet 16' (Style D) (Ten C)
Open Diapason 16'
Horn Diapason 16'
Tibia Clausa 16' (S)
Tibia Clausa 16' (M)
Clarinet 16'
Saxophone 16' (Ten C)
Orchestral Oboe 16' (Ten C)
Krumet 16' (Ten C)
Solo String 16' (2 rks)
Gamba 16' (2 rks)
Viol d'Orchestre 16' (2 rks)
Salicional 16' (2 rks)
French Horn 16' (Ten C)
Oboe Horn 16'
Quintadena 16' (Ten C)
Concert Flute 16'
Dulciana 16' (2 rks) (Ten C)
Vox Humana 16' (S) (Ten C)
Vox Humana 16' (M) (Ten C)
English Post Horn 8'
Trumpet 8'
Tuba Horn 8'
Trumpet 8' (Style D)
Open Diapason 8'
Horn Diapason 8'
Tibia Clausa 8' (S)
Tibia Clausa 8' (M)
Clarinet 8'
Saxophone 8'
Orchestral Oboe 8'
Krumet 8'
Kinura 8'
Solo String 8' (2 rks)
Gamba 8' (2 rks)
Viol d'Orchestre 8' (2 rks)
Salicional 8' (2 rks)
French Horn 8'
Oboe Horn 8'
Quintadena 8'
Concert Flute 8'
Dulciana 8' (2 rks)
Vox Humana 8' (S)
Vox Humana 8' (M)
Fifth 5 1/3' (Tibia S)
Fifth 5 1/3' (Tibia M)
Octave 4'
Octave Horn 4'
Piccolo 4' (Tibia S)
Piccolo 4' (Tibia M)
Solo String 4' (2 rks)
Gamba 4' (2 rks)
Viol d'Orchestre 4' (2 rks)
Salicional 4' (2 rks)
Concert Flute 4'
Harmonic Flute 4'
Dulciana 4' (2 rks)
Vox Humana 4'
Vox Humana 4'
Tenth 3 1/5' (Tibia S)
Tenth 3 1/5' (Tibia M)
Twelfth 2 2/3' (Tibia S)
Twelfth 2 2/3' (Tibia M)
Twelfth 2 2/3' (Concert Flute)
Fifteenth 2' (Maj. Strings)
Fifteenth 2' (Min. Strings)
Super Octave Horn 2'
Piccolo 2' (Tibia S)
Piccolo 2' (Tibia M)
Piccolo 2'
Harmonic Piccolo 2'
Tierce 1 3/5' (Tibia S)
Tierce 1 3/5' (Tibia M)
Fife 1'
Piano 16'
Piano 8'
Piano 4'
Sub Harp
Sub Xylophone
GREAT Sub Octave
GREAT Unison Off
GREAT Octave
SOLO Solo Sub to Great
SOLO Solo to Great
English Post Horn 16'
Trumpet 16'
String Ensemble 16' (8 rks)
English Post Horn 8'
Trumpet 8'
String Ensemble 8' (8 rks)
SOLO Solo Sub to Great
SOLO Solo to Great
SOLO Solo Oct to Great
English Post Horn 16'
Trumpet 16'
English Post Horn 8'
Trumpet 8'
SOLO Solo to Great
SOLO Solo Sub to Great



English Post Horn 16'
Trumpet 16' (Ten C)
Tuba Horn 16'
Trumpet 16' (Style D) (Ten C)
Open Diapason 16'
Horn Diapason 16'
Tibia Clausa 16' (S)
Tibia Clausa 16' (M)
Major Strings 16' (4 rks)
Minor Strings 16' (4 rks)
Dulciana 16' (2 rks) (Ten C)
Vox Humana 16' (S) (Ten C)
Vox Humana 16' (M) (Ten C)
English Post Horn 8'
Trumpet 8'
Tuba Horn 8'
Trumpet 8' (Style D)
Open Diapason 8'
Horn Diapason 8'
Tibia Clausa 8' (S)
Tibia Clausa 8' (M)
Clarinet 8'
Saxophone 8'
Orchestral Oboe 8'
Krumet 8'
Kinura 8'
Major Strings 8' (4 rks)
Minor Strings 8' (4 rks)
French Horn 8'
Oboe Horn 8'
Quintadena 8'
Concert Flute 8'
Dulciana 8' (2 rks)
Vox Humana 8' (S)
Vox Humana 8' (M)
Octave 4'
Octave Horn 4'
Piccolo 4' (Tibia S)
Piccolo 4' (Tibia M)
Major Strings 4' (4 rks)
Minor Strings 4' (4 rks)
Concert Flute 4'
Harmonic Flute 4'
Dulciana 4' (2 rks)
Twelfth 2 2/3' (Tibia S)
Twelfth 2 2/3' (Tibia M)
Piccolo 2' (Tibia S)
Piccolo 2' (Tibia M)
Tierce 1 3/5' (Tibia S)
Tierce 1 3/5' (Tibia M)
Piano 8'
Piano 8'
Sub Harp
SOLO Sub Octave
SOLO Unison Off
SOLO Octave
Main I
Main II
Main Strings
Solo I
Solo II
Solo Strings
Tibia (S)
Tibia (M)
Trumpet (Brass)
Trumpet (Style D)
English Post Horn
Orgelstimmung: A=440 Equal

Manualumfang: 61 Tasten
Pedalumfang: 30-tönig


Hauptwerk-Version: V


geladene Version


Sampleset 24 Bit 4,80 GB
Sampleset 20 Bit 3,20 GB
Sampleset 16 Bit 2,60 GB

Klangbeispiel: Gershwin - Of Thee I Sing

Klangbeispiel: Tchaikovsky - Spanish Dance

Klangbeispiel: Gould - Pavonne (from American Symphonette No. 2)

Klangbeispiel: Anderson - Arietta

Klangbeispiel: Coates - Knightsbridge March


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